Concerned Persons one-day workshop
This day is open to anyone whose life is affected by the drinking, drug use, gambling or compulsive behaviours of a family member or friend.
At the end of the day participants will have:
a better knowledge of addiction.
more understanding of how they themselves have been affected by the addiction and of how they can cope with it.
an insight into the 12 Step Programme and how Al-Anon and other support groups can help them.
The workshop, which we run on a Saturday approximately every 5/6 weeks, takes place here at the centre. Registration commences at 9.45am and the day will run from 10.00am to 4.00pm. There is no charge for the main concerned persons of current clients; otherwise, the fee for the workshop is €100 per person. We would encourage you to reserve a place by leaving your name at/ ringing reception, as due to covid restrictions we do not accept ‘walk ins’ on the day.
Please note lunch is not provided. Participants may bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch locally.
Our next workshop will take place on Saturday 15th April 2023
_To reserve a place at the Concerned Persons Workshop, please complete and return this form to Rutland Centre, Knocklyon Rd, Templeogue, Dublin 1_6, or e-mail or ring 01-4946358 (Please note places are limited)
Registration Information For CP Workshop – Saturday, 15th April 2023
Your Name : ……………………………………
Relationship to Client (if applicable)………...
Address : ………………………………………
Client Name:……………………………….…
Daytime Tel No:………… ……………………