Partnering With Us

We are always interested in engaging with and seeking new partnerships with local businesses, community groups and individuals.

Our immediate focus is to connect with the many groups interested in what we aim to achieve at the Rutland Centre; to learn more about how we can work together to further enhance the impact of the Rutland Centre; and, to seek and develop new relationships with potential partners and supporters.

Through these partnerships, we are seeking to build upon the work that we do in three important areas:

Access – To enhance our ability to financially assist individuals in accessing treatment at the Rutland Centre

Impact – To carefully develop, implement and measure new elements to our treatment program, in order to address the growing needs of our clients, their families and support networks

Education – To develop the capacity to train other qualified counsellors in treatment methods that we have proven over time to be highly effective in enabling recovery

If you would like to learn more, or if you would like to discuss ways to potentially partner with or support the Rutland Centre and/or leave a gift in your will, please contact Maebh Mullany at We would be delighted to hear from you!

We look forward to bringing you more information about this exciting new initiative over the coming months.